
Visions on Landscape

Visions on Landscape

In the frame of the course Lectures on landscape – Lezioni di paesaggio -, a professional course organized by the University IUAV of Venice, the Observatory of the Landscape of the Pianura Veronese and the waterboard Consorzio di Bonifica Veronese that takes place in its headquarter, Latitude  will lecture tomorrow proposing to professionals and operators from the public institutions a reflection on the power of the regulations in moulding the spatial arrangement of the landscape.

Is it possible to bend the idiosyncrasy of the set of rules in relation to design practices? Can we identify rules that are more reliable to achieve shared visions on landscape?

Latitude will suggests the employment of a number of conceptual design models as possible open tools to formulate hypothetical reconfigurations of the landscape. Accordingly, the design process could be supported instead of being mistreated and it could be considered since the beginning of the process instead of coming after.