
On Municipal Water Plans

On Municipal Water Plans

Latitude together with BM engeneering (Andrea Mori) will speak on the Municipal Water Plans during the conference organized by the International Centre Civiltà dell’acqua – a non profit organization for the promotion of water related values and issues –  for the presentation of the book “I Piani Comunali delle Acque. Strumenti di sicurezza idraulica e opportunità per la rigenerazione del territorio”. The event is also promoted by the Province of Venice and the Water Board Acque Risorgive and it will take place the 9th of February at Teatro di Villa Farsetti (Via Roma 5, Santa Maria di Sala) at 15.30.

In order to prevent future hydrogeological risks, the Province of Venice has introduced the Municipal Water Plans to develop better and more sustainable policies on water management.

The intervention will focus on the relation between the engineering-technical approach towards Municipal Water Plans and a more comprehensive process that can combine the need of solving water dysfunctions with spatial-urban opportunities, such as new public spaces, ecological corridors etc.