Latitude at the 5th IABR
Latitude research project ‘Living with Water’ has been selected as a CounterSite for the 5th IABR – International Architecture Biennale of Rotterdam, Making City, that will open in April 2012.
The research project investigates the relation between flood vulnerability, it’s perception and urbanism in 3 case studies in the Veneto Region that have different relations with water and its possible risks: Monteforte d’Alpone (Verona), Vazzola (Treviso) and Porto Tolle in the Po delta (Rovigo).
The multidisciplinary team that will investigate the territories through an experimental methodology is composed by urban designers (Latitude), anthropologists (Valentina Bonifacio, Ca’ Foscari University) and visual designers (Unità di Crisi). Moreover, the team will be supported and work together with IUAV Venice University and EMU European Master in Urbanism during workshops and seminars organized on site.