
Latitude at La Villette #3

Latitude at La Villette #3

The last 28 of march and today 21 may 2013 Latitude was invited at the Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Architecture de Paris la Villette for the two last lectures at the DSA: Projet Urbain, Paysage, Métropolisation  and at the Séminaire 2: La fabrique spatiale et culturelle des territoires durables helds by Prof. Christian Pedelahore De Loddis.

In the frame of the ongoing researches on the themes of urban fragilities and new investigations and visions about the future of urbanized territories and growing metropolis, Latitude presented two different works: FIBERCITY, Tokyo 2050 and the question of the shrinking cities and the last results of Latitude’s research FLOATING URBANISM on the Amazon and Mekong Regions. The lecture aimed at comparing the results of both researches showing some of the case-studies and stressing on their specific relations to the geographic, environmental, cultural and spatial context