
Claim Industrial Surfaces – Green With Grey Summer School

Claim Industrial Surfaces – Green With Grey Summer School

Claim Industrial Surfaces
Act One: Asiat Depave
Green With Grey International Summer School

Apply by August 19!

Claim Industrial Surfaces, Act One: Asiat Depave is held at Asiat Site in Vilvoorde (Belgium) from 31 August – 08 September. It is the first act of the Green With Grey (GWG) project which envisions the industrial platforms of Flanders’s Nevelstad — or Nebular City — (Belgium) as progressively and surgically softened areas (Green) that concurrently function as source and place of production (Grey). As part of the “Proeftuinen Ontharding” (tests projects concerning de-sealing) launched by the Departement “Omgeving” of the Flamish Government, GWG obsessively seeks for strategies to de-seal the industrial sites of Flanders while increasing their productivity.
Tutoring includes the GWG team Latitude Platform, UCLouvain and KU Leuven, in collaboration with 51N4E, Plant en Houtgoed, Onkruid and Loop Studio. The Summer School is addressed to master and bachelor students, and young professionals and it is constellated by a number of activities that involve also local players such as municipalities, manufacturers and the general public. The Act One of Claim Industrial Surfaces coagulates onsite concrete actions and initiates the de-sealing pilot project. Participants will enact the production stages of de-sealing (demolishing, materials sorting, reuse/recycling) while also testing the socio-technical devices associated to each phase (labour and tools, processing, phases).

Candidates should apply by sending a PDF file-portfolio (two pages, A4 portrait, 7MB maximum size) at: info@latitude-platform.eu