
Ilot d’eau, Atelier #2

Ilot d’eau, Atelier #2

Between the 19th and the 25th of March 2016, in the frame of the design project Ilot d’Eau, Latitude runs the Atelier Co-design #2. The co-design project ILOT d’EAU focuses on the opportunity to find collective spaces for water within the private realm of the building blocks. This second atelier is aimed at giving shape to concrete shared pilot projects within some of the building blocks previously studied (see Atelier Co-design #1). What water and space inhabitants are willing to share? According to which management scheme? To unfold these questions Latitude organized three co-design sessions. On Sunday 20th the first co-design session will be held in the kitchen of the inhabitants. The other two, on Wednesday and Friday will be hosted by the commune at the Abbey of Forest. Besides the inhabitants, this second atelier involves students of the Faculty of Architecture La Cambre Horta of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (BE) and Cosmopolis Centre for Urban Research of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE), and the other partners of the project Des nouveaux chemins de l’eau solidaires pour le quartier de l’Abbaye of the CQD Abbaye.